Shamirians are a squad of young people shaping the future of youth mental health.

The Shamiri Culture allows us to live to our shared values and actualize our mission across multiple generations of people and opportunities. At it’s core, it supports rapid innovation and excellent execution while amplifying our shared humanity.
Shamirians are a squad of young people shaping the future of youth mental health.Shamirians are united by our unique company culture. Here are some quick fun facts about the Shamiri Way.

Quick Facts

Shamirians are united by our unique company culture. Here are some fun facts about the Shamiri Way.

We are based in Nairobi

Shamirians work from the 7,000 square foot Shamiri Campus—the largest space dedicated to mental health research and innovation in Africa, in Nairobi.

Values lead the way

The science of values points out that values can be a powerful force to guide our actions and help us in difficult times. We reflect on self-defining values and in this process they re-establish a sense of awareness of personal worth and integrity.

We are a high performance team

Shamirians commit to a culture where all of us are driven to attain the highest level of success and excellence.
Shamirians commit to a culture where all of us are driven to attain the highest level of success and excellence.

Autonomous but highly aligned

Shamirians take leadership over their own work but are highly aligned with others on objectives, expectations, and the organization's goal, mission, and vision.
Shamirians commit to a culture where all of us are driven to attain the highest level of success and excellence.

We build incredible tech & products

Because we are data-driven, we have a best-in-class tech platform (called shamiriOS) that drives our implementation & ensure that we have data at our fingertips.
Because we are data-driven, we have a best-in-class tech platform (called shamiriOS) that drives our implementation & ensure that we have data at our fingertips.

Our Journey: From Idea to Impact

Since 2021, we’ve launched and served >35k youths in Kenya, and are now serving 100k youths per year.
The idea behind Shamiri emerges. We conduct a pilot RCT in Kibera with 51 youths. Pilot RCT published in Behavior Therapy.
We conduct a large-scale RCT with 403 youths in Kenya. RCT published in JAMA Psychiatry. Shamiri Institute (USA) is incorporated.
Shamiri Institute is incorporated and launched in Kenya. We serve 1.5k youths in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Scaled capacity to serving >100k youth per year through Shamiri Hubs and Shamiri Partners.

Culture is what allows us to replicate the Shamiri Way across multiple generations of Shamirians.

The Shamiri Culture, described in the video below, adds up to be greater than the sum of our parts.

A Commitment to a Values-Based Culture

Values are what matters to us. Values are principles and standards of behaviors that we think of as important. Science tells us that values promote human flourishing.

At Shamiri Institute, we adopt a values-based culture through which our mission of transforming mental health for all and our vision of the future that we are shaping manifests as we practice our values.


We are committed to rigorous scientific research that honors the cultures of the communities where we work that in turn guides our decision-making.


We aspire more for ourselves and for our organization. We value passion, work ethic, commitment, potential to experience, and skills. We make mistakes and grow from them.


We are a bottom-up organization with an anti-colonial approach that lifts the communities that we serve.


We take individual ownership and actively seek the contribution and input of others.

Clarity and Transparency

We emphasize decision-making that is transparent and clearly communicated.


We adapt our processes and our structure to new information and evolving priorities.

Hard Work

We work hard for ourselves, for our team, and for Africa's youths in order to build the future that we want.


We make time to have fun. We have team-building activities across the organization and within our teams.
Shamiri means "thrive." We are building a future where young people, everywhere, can thrive.

Let's get In touch

We are excited to hear from you! If you want to partner or have any questions, please reach out to us.